Course Details
Today, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning professionals are highly paid in the market. They get 80-90% higher salaries than any other sector. The opportunity and rise in this sector have changed the mindset of people now. According to research, every industry will require Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning experts by 2025. The major industries like Pharmaceuticals, IT, Banking, Healthcare, Telecom, Retail shall be using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools to excel in their business. Therefore, it is high time to get familiar with this emerging technology. The Fingertips Advanced AI Master Program provides an opportunity to polish the skills of learners in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. During this course, learners are trained in deep learning, machine learning, programming language needed for the Artificial Intelligence sector.
Where everybody is talking about the result we believe in success. Our ultimate aim is to make our learners successful through the highly demanding LearningCafe Data Science Pro Program. The dedicated team of years of Data Science Experts is key pillar of success made by the company in this small duration. In recent years, LearningCafe has become the change maker in the lives of thousands of learners. Our trainees are most delighted among the industry andthis is our biggest achievement. We believe that our learners should imbibe skills on its tips that's why we are LearningHub
LearningHub Data Science Pro Program has a collection of various levels of certificates that will help you to meet the demand of various industries. The customized curriculum has various options to accomplish multiple certificates at one time like Advanced Excel, SQL, R, Python, Tableau etc.